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LAVSTAR S10 is a product suitable for effectively removing salts from the resistors of electrical appliances thus increasing their service life. Its liquid form makes it even easier to use. It removes the salts from the first application. It is recommended that the equipment is cleaned at regular intervals depending on the use and hardness of the water in your area.
Use ιnstructions : The instructions are detailed on the label depending on the appliance you want to clean, contact us for more information.Suitable for coffee makers, steamers, ironing presses, dishwashers, ice machines etc.
Always observe the precautionary instructions listed on the label, For non-listed uses please first use a non-visible surface on the surface you want to clean.
Use ιnstructions : The instructions are detailed on the label depending on the appliance you want to clean, contact us for more information.Suitable for coffee makers, steamers, ironing presses, dishwashers, ice machines etc.
Always observe the precautionary instructions listed on the label, For non-listed uses please first use a non-visible surface on the surface you want to clean.

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