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The TURBO FOT is a powerful granular blocker that acts immediately. The product is suitable for flushing tubes, pipettes and wells that have been clogged with hair, grease, etc. Combat unpleasant odors.
Use instructions:
Pour the product with a little water (hot or cold about one or two glasses) into the pipette or the clogged tube and allow it to work for about 5-10 minutes, then pour plenty of water (warm) to rinse.
Always observe the precautionary instructions listed on the label, For non-listed uses please first use a non-visible surface on the surface you want to clean. Do not mix the product with other products.
Use instructions:
Pour the product with a little water (hot or cold about one or two glasses) into the pipette or the clogged tube and allow it to work for about 5-10 minutes, then pour plenty of water (warm) to rinse.
Always observe the precautionary instructions listed on the label, For non-listed uses please first use a non-visible surface on the surface you want to clean. Do not mix the product with other products.

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